On 12/21/2010, Michael Lawrence said the following:
Dear Art & Steve, I've written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users. Details of the Recommendation: "It all started with "Tattoo Machines and Their Secrets", a book written by the Godoy twins. I picked up a copy from Art personally and pretty much read it cover to cover later that day. It started to show another side of things I had not even considered before upon getting into tattooing. After that I had been fortunate enough to have a one on one machine building seminar and Q and A session with Art. It was the best thing I could have done for myself being a new tattooer. That session answered questions to things I didn't even know I didn't know. At that time I picked up a Godoy Machines power regulator which has been a dream to work with. Recently I've tuned machines for a guy with 18 years experience and a girl with 10 that I've worked with. Both said hands down they've never had a machine run so good. To say that the Godoys are extremely knowledgeable is an understatement. The knowledge, experience, and passion for what they do is directly reflected in the the work they do, products they design, and in the books that they've written. These guys know their stuff, make top notch equipment, do top notch work, and more importantly are top notch people." Service Category: Tattoo machine building Year first hired: 2010 Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, Creative